52 года
10 000 MDL
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Обо мне
Empathetic and sensible with colleagues, I like listening to people, and trying to create and maintain effective and comfortable working balance at work. At the same time I am qoal oriented and put all efforts to get the task done. I am enthusiastic, sociable, creative person who enjoys team work and helping colleagues and friends. I like order and tidiness. I am responsible and am able to take on a leadership role. Prefer daily sport and physical exercise. My favourite pastime activity and hobby is house & garden improvement and decorarion.
Навык свободного и грамотного владения Английского и использования его в следующих навыках:
Наблюдение за жизненно важными параметрами организма человека и принятия мер по оздоровлению и реабилитации.
Организация работы коллектива для сбалансированной, эффективной и здоровой работы.
Работа с кадрами.
Аналитический и рациональный подход к решению вопросов в сфере бизнеса, разработки проектов и его внедрения.
Критическое мышление.
Умение организовать и вести переговоры.
Учёт и контроль использования материальных ценностей.
Грамотная пользователь Word, Excel Power-Point
Преподавание и репетиторство Английского
Опыт работы
Январь 2020 - Сентябрь 2021
1 год 9 месяцев
Servise Manager
NHS and Private Care Companies
High Wycombe, UK
My main responsibilities as a Service Manager and as a Care Supervisor were:
- To manage the team working effectively and comfortably, providing a good quality of care and support. Delegate to staff more responsible tasks to increase effectiveness, knowledge and self-esteem.
- To control safety of clients and workers, implement health & safety rules. Evaluate work risks and risks related to the wellbeing of clients, minimise or eliminate them. Create risk assessments and guidelines. Report and inform the Head Office and appropriate services about any incidents/accidents.
- To control the quality of work, care and support provided.
- To inform, communicate and train staff members after discovering areas to improve.
- Organise regular meetings to discuss improvements, check the implementation of tasks and future plans, workers requirements, clients needs. On one-to-one meetings to evaluate the performance, devise everyone’s individual development plan and support to achieve the best result at work.
- To organise clients 6 month and yearly reviews. Evaluate progress, achievements and set new targets. Organise clients meetings.
- To monitor clients' health, behaviour and mood, discuss with them their needs. Create Care/Support Plans based on person centred approach and monitor the implementation.
- To communicate and organise with external and internal services and agencies clients support based on their needs, requirements and concerns. Discuss with the clients advice of other professionals, and agree on actions.
- To liaise with all local authorities and companies that are servicing the facility.
- Check and record the service finances, distribute allocated funds from the head office and other agencies. Create and monitor service financial budget and request the funds from the head office.
- Order, check, administrate and store medications. Make sure all documentation is in order.
- Make staff rota, check staff training record, make sure all training is provided and up to date.
- Perform job interviews, conduct inductions and assess understanding.
- To evaluate constantly the effectiveness of work, monitor the workload, delegate.
- Constant revision and update of company Policies & Procedures.
- Be prepared to solve any unexpected issues on the 24/7 service.
- Report to the Head Office the progress and administration and quality of work.
Январь 2019 - Декабрь 2019
11 месяцев
Health Assistant
Nurse Plus Agency
Agenții de munca- Nurseplus and Affinity Care, Bristol, England. Work in different Care and Nursing Homes, Learning Disability Day Centres, Assisted Living for blinds, Brain and Spinal Injury living in Centres; Boarding School for children and young people with severe Autism and mental health conditions.
Апрель 2018 - Октябрь 2018
6 месяцев
Care Supervisor
Signature group
Care Supervisor, Cliveden Manor, 5 Stars, Senior Living Care Home, Marlow, Bucks, England.
Supervision of quality of medical and care services. Leading the team, providing appropriate training and support to staff members. Constant monitoring of clients' health, communication with clients and all different internal and external services.
Декабрь 2017 - Март 2018
3 месяца
English Study and exams
British Council
Improving English grammar by taking English courses. Exams past on Level 2, ESOL and IELTS, Level C1
Май 2015 - Ноябрь 2017
2 года 7 месяцев
Health Assistant
NHS Hospital
Observation and monitoring of health, providing necessary health and care assistance in the hospital word and further rehabilitation at home after patients discharge from the hospital word.
Май 2011 - Октябрь 2014
3 года 6 месяцев
Supoort Assistant
Radian Support
Support and assistance within Supported Living Scheme. Variety of assistance starting from medication assistance, health monitoring and assitance with medical professionals to personal budgeting, shopping, cooking etc, 24/7
Ноябрь 2006 - Октябрь 2010
3 года 11 месяцев
Senior Care Assistant
Similar as above
Май 2001 - Октябрь 2006
5 лет 6 месяцев
Оганизация службы Ангиографии, выполнение Ангиографической исследований, работы в службе рентгенологии.
Май 1993 - Апрель 2001
8 лет
Индивидуальное Предприятие
Занимался оптовыми продажами товаров массового производства в Молдове, Румынии и Украине. Лично находил и вёл переговоры с заказчиками, контролировал выполнение контракта. Взял землю в аренду и, контролируя проект с архитекторами и инженерами, построил и ввёл в эксплуатацию две точки общественного питания (кафе-ресторан) на территории Национального Аграрного Университета. Вёл коллектив с более 20-и человек в найме. Проводил планирование работы торговых точек, работу с клиентами и поставщиками, контроль отчётности и бух.учёта, подбор кадров, оценка рентабельности и контроль оптимального использованием остатков. В 2001 успешно продал бизнес (Постройка и сейчас функционирует)
Сентябрь 1998 - Ноябрь 1999
1 год 3 месяца
Завод Фармако
Анализ рынка, распространение и реализация медикаментов.
Сентябрь 1997 - Июнь 1998
10 месяцев
Функции врача-интерна
Румынский Свободно владею
Русский Свободно владею
Английский Свободно владею
Образование: Высшее
Год окончания: 1998
Medical University
Факультет: General Medicine
Специальность: Doctor
Год окончания: 1990
Medical School Chisinau Moldova
Факультет: General Medicine Adults
Специальность: Nurse
Курсы, тренинги
Год окончания: 2013
Health & Social Care, Generic Pathway
Организатор: City & Guilds, England
Год окончания: 2015
ESOL English Level 2
Организатор: City & Guilds
Пожелания к работе
График работы
Водительское удостоверение
Категория: B
С личным авто
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