English Speaker

age 25 лет


address Chișinău

5 000 MDL

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Обо мне

I am passionate about studying Management and Entrepreneurship.
I read a lot of Psychology, more specifically
Relationship Psychology as I find it to be the most useful one when it comes to creating rapport with other people.

- Responsible.
- Flexible.
- Ambitious.
- Motivated.
- Goal-oriented.
- Friendly.
- Attentive to details.
- Can handle stressful situations very well.- Knowledge/studies in Sales and Management.
- Can work with PC (Word,PowerPoint, Excel) and internet.
- Excellent Romanian and English skills.


Опыт работы

Июль 2021 - Настоящее время
3 года 8 месяцев

Quality Assurance Representative



• Analysing and assessing the quality of the agents' performance.
• Improving the general workflow.
• Coming up with solutions to the issues that were stagnating the profit generating
♦ Giving agents tips and training sessions on how to be more professional and
efficient when presenting our products.

Октябрь 2020 - Май 2021
8 месяцев

Customer Support Representative.

New York Furniture Outlet.


• Guiding customers who are facing difficulties or who simply need assistance.
• Being professional, calm, polite and of course, helpful in stressful situations.
• Solving our customer's problems that are related to our services/product.
• Helping our customers with cancellations/exchanges/refunds.
♦ My customers were always satisfied with my assistance, furthermore although
they went through a difficult process, they promised to use our services again, and they always did.

Август 2018 - Октябрь 2020
2 года 2 месяца

Sales Manager.



• Generating leads and calling potential customers.
• Convincing clients on why the product we offer is exactly what they are looking for.
• Persuading clients.
• Studying and applying different sales methods/techniques (mostly by Jordan
Belfort and Brian Tracy) that lead to a significant profit raise.
♦ I always came up with new ideas on how to attract more customers using social
media platforms and on how to improve my team’s persuasion skills. Also, I
managed to hit the monthly profit target every time and even achieved double
the amount very often.


Румынский Свободно владею

Русский Свободно владею

Английский Свободно владею

Французский Средний

Образование: Неполное высшее

Год окончания: 2022


Факультет: Stiinte economice

Специальность: Business si Administrarea Afacerilor

Год окончания: 2020


Факультет: Litere

Специальность: Limbi si literaturi straine

Пожелания к работе

График работы

Fără program

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